Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities Awards Ceremony

The Mayor’s Committee for Persons with Disabilities will hold its Annual Awards Ceremony at 12 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. Unfortunately, this year’s event will not be open to the public, and no tickets will be sold. The committee will hold a small ceremony to recognize award winners. In attendance will be the award winners, one guest per each award winner, the committee, the Mayor, the City Manager, and liaisons.

The highlight of this annual event is the presentation of awards/recognition of those persons and businesses that have either overcome their disabilities or have gone the extra mile to serve or work with people with disabilities.

We need your help in identifying deserving individuals and organizations for these awards. Please take a few minutes to complete the forms below and return them by 5 p.m. Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

The awards are:

Employer of the Year: For an employer who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in employment providing job opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Employee of the Year: An employee who has overcome handicaps to achieve success in the workplace.

Mayor’s Trophy: For an individual or organization who has made significant contributions in support of persons with disabilities.

Committee Member of the Year: For a member of the Mayor’s Committee who has done much to further the work of the committee during the year.

Most Accessible Business:  A business that has made significant contributions in making their business most accessible to people with disabilities

For more information, please contact Krystal Fuller, Committee Liaison, by phone at 919-580-4318 or by email