Meet the City Council
Find Your Councilmember
The City of Goldsboro holds public meetings on the first and third Monday of each month unless otherwise posted.
Unless otherwise posted, the public meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall.
A public comment period is held during each regularly scheduled Council meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
To view the Public Comment Period and Public Hearing Policies, please visit:
The Mayor and City Council, who are elected to office for a four-year term, develop City policies for the City of Goldsboro. The Mayor is the official and ceremonial head of the City Government and presides at all City Council meetings.
To meet with the Mayor, contact Laura Getz, City Clerk, at (919) 580-4330.
As the legislative body of the City, the City Council adopts ordinances and resolutions and establishes policies, programs and procedures necessary for governing Goldsboro.
City Council Meetings:
Citizens who wish to appear before the City Council have two opportunities to do so:
- At a scheduled public hearing, on a specific topic, when all citizens are encouraged to speak.
- Through a specific written request to appear before the City Council. The written request must state the purpose for their appearance and be submitted to Laura Getz, City Clerk (, at least one week prior to a Council meeting.


Hiawatha Jones

Chris Boyette

Jamie Taylor

Brandi Matthews

Beverly Weeks