Streets Maintenance

This division is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of City streets and storm drainage systems.  Typical tasks include the repair of pot holes, utility cuts and depressions in streets, sidewalk construction and repair, street sweeping, grading of dirt streets and snow/ice removal from streets and bridges.  In addition, Streets and Storms employees are charged with the responsibility for storm drainage pipe installation, open ditch cleaning and maintenance, removal of debris from storm sewer lines, demolition of condemned structures, right-of-way maintenance and mowing, and the mowing of City owned vacant lots.  These employees are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to respond to emergencies.

Request a pot hole repair

Call: 919-739-7415

Emergencies after business hours

Call: 919-734-8674

Report street light problems to Duke Energy at this link: Duke Energy – Light Repair Request

ADA Evaluation Task List – Sidewalks and Curb Ramps: ADA-Evaluation-Task-List-Sidewalks-and-Curb-Ramps